Thursday, 20 June 2019

Nature Assets

Here we see my first attempt at a living tree.  Nature is something I openly admit to avoiding entirely in my whole artistic life.  I decided its finally time to roll up my sleeves and start practicing nature, if I claim to want to model environments I have to be good at this too!
I will try to polish this more and maybe check some lessons out, as I am mostly copying techniques I've seen in my Xbox 360 days.  The left is the pieces, the right is them assembled semi randomly.  Could be more leafy.

After I will try my hand at rocks.  I feel like soon procedural nature will become common place but I feel like I should be a part of the history.

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Road Work Assets for Unity


I've been doing the Pluralsight Unity Game Dev courses to learn more about the program.  Meanwhile I've been making random assets inspired by my surroundings, which is currently a lot of road work.  Below are some screenshots of the objects rendered in the Unity Engine.

Construction Fence:

Jersey Barriers:

Ladder(un textured):

Workers Ahead Sign (also set up for a whole library of signs):

Shipping Container (also set up rigid body and hinges):

Rubber Speedbumps:

Cable Spools:

Traffic Barrels:

Traffic Cones:

Pedestrian Pylons:

I've also set up everything with optimized colliders and relative rigid body setups.  It's a lot of fun!